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Hello, Guest. Please login to play Ride Sims.

Unofficial - Splash Mountain

Flash Player must be installed and enabled in order to play simulators!
Note - Simulations can only be played on a computer.

Sim Top Tips:

This simulator currently isn't touch screen compatible and needs to be played with a keyboard.

This is one of the more challenging simulations and is recommended for expert Ride Sims players.

Top Operating Tips:

- Starting the sim you must turn the power on first. Then click the E-Stop Button. Then click the power reset button. Click system mode. Then click E-Stop reset.

- Select the system mode - Double Click for Normal. - Only in system mode normal can you load guests & add / remove trains.

- When you first start you will need to open restraints with the 'up' arrow key.

- Open the ride entrance for peeps to arrive. You will need to turn the gates on for each load zone to allow peeps to leave the queue into the gates.

Top 5 Operator Stats:

Unknown Player0
Unknown Player0

Top 5 Throughput Per Hour:

Sim Challenge Awards:

Handle 1000 Peeps On Splash Mountain
Dispatch 250 Logs On Splash Mountain
Score 50,000 On Splash Mountain
Score 100,000 On Splash Mountain