This simulator currently isn't touch screen compatible and needs to be played with a keyboard.
- Turn the power on and hold 'R' key to reset the E-Stop.
- Set system mode - Click 'System Controls' switch to Maint. mode. Then click each of the blocks until they are lit. To allow guests to board switch to 'Normal' model.
- To evacuate you must e-stop the ride and power off. In 'System Controls' click evac and then click the red panel icons for each car that requires evac. To close click the 'Evac' button again and restart the simulation as described above.
- Adding and removing trains is detailed in the simulation when you hover your mouse cursor over the 'add' & 'remove' buttons.
1 | Alex M | 18,756 |
2 | CoasterCat | 15,456 |
3 | DarkStyler11 | 14,292 |
4 | Spath21 | 14,148 |
5 | eevee yau | 12,996 |
Unknown Player | 0 |
1 | JobRoss98 | 103,440 |
2 | Dreamsinger | 49,428 |
3 | ErebusBat | 43,176 |
4 | Trooper | 39,492 |
5 | jakepuwawa | 30,900 |
Unknown Player | 0 |
1 | Burgertaster | 191,736 |
2 | Hashy | 118,140 |
3 | JobRoss98 | 103,440 |
4 | sensamlin | 93,348 |
5 | BMLover06 | 90,552 |
Unknown Player | 0 |
1 | dangeresque | 1,112 |
2 | stef123 | 1,105 |
3 | tyler1606 | 1,099 |
4 | pockyuu | 1,098 |
5 | Tim_124 | 1,096 |