We’re Back!
After 3 long years we’ve gone from being SBNO to back into glorious Ride Sims operating action!
Welcome to Ride Sims 2.0
We have many new amazing features for you to try out and we thought we’d list them all here for you:
- We have rebuilt the entire site from the ground up. The site features some of the original sims from v1.0 enhanced with new user interfaces and new challenges… more on the challenges as you read on.
- There are brand new unofficial simulations with all new features. Naming a few include: WDW Monorail, Baron 1898 and Taron!
- The new site builds upon the popular feature of CHALLENGES! This time you can earn challenge awards, not just on your score but each sim has its very own unique challenges. E.g. Number of continuous inversions on Ripsaw or even the number of fully loaded trains dispatched on Baron 1898.
- We can now display both your highest session score AND your total combined scores of all time to unlock challenges.
- We know that the highest scoring users played for a long time making it difficult for some users to get onto the leader boards. So now we have a new challenge. Throughput per hour! This is an average hourly rate calculated on the number of peeps you handle.
- Ride Sims 2.0 is now on Patreon. Users can become supporters. There are various reward tiers available. Check out our Patreon for more details. Become a Ride Sims: Patreon
- Ride Sims Plus is a behind the scenes blog giving a virtual look into the world of Ride Sims, showcasing upcoming sims and making of blogs. This is accessible to patron / V.I.P / Platinum Creator Patreons.
- Users can now earn profile badges for becoming a Patreon supporter as well as playing Ride Sims on select special event days!
- There are more features to come, we’re just getting started!
We hope you enjoy Ride Sims 2.0. We’re fans just like you and have dreamed of operating rides and now you can. Learn how they work and have most of all have fun!
Ride Sims Team